Saturday, January 28, 2023
Hey everybody I'm back at it again! This week me and my daughter started off with reviewing what I had learned last week. Surprisingly I rememebered most of my steps, where my hands go and where the notes are. We then moved on to some new material. I was taught how certain notes look and what they mean. The quarter note is where you hold the key down for a"one" count, the half note is a "two" counts and the full note which is a "four" counts. This is important to know so u dont play too fast or slow. As well, I also learned how the note looks is related to which hand you use to press it. For instance if the note has the stem on the left side and going down, you will use your left hand to press it. As for the right hand, those notes have the stems going up on the right side. Its very confusing to be able to read that when you are also trying to remember where your fingers should be. There were a few times where I found myself about to hit that damn piano with all my fingers rolled up in a ball over and over again. Luckily for the piano and myself, my daughter intervened and I had a "timeout". Once I got back to it, I learned about the bar lines. These are the black lines that are in between the notes and divide the music into equal measures. They are also at the end of the song. If it is a double bar then you end there, but if there are 2 dots beside the double bar then you must repeat the notes a 2nd time. I didnt realize how much of these lessons are learning to read all these symbols rather than playing. I was hoping to play with more than 3 fingers on each hand this week, but we didn't get that far. I did however learn to play 2 more simple songs and did get pretty familiar with how to place my hands and felt more comfortable with hitting the keys. For next week I hope to add those other notes and if I turn the page in the book I see that the next lesson is adding the G and the F. That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and tune in next week to see my progress!!
Hello everybody and welcome to my 5th and final post!! I have been hard at work this week with Charlee, getting more familiar with using al...